Despomar subscribed on January 17th the Charter of Principles of BCSD Portugal (Business Council for Sustainable Development), a document that brings together Portuguese companies around common commitments to sustainable development in Portugal.
This referential comprises a set of principles that constitute guidelines for good business management, and aims to reinforce sustainable management practices based on six principles: Legal Compliance & Ethical Conduct; Human rights; Labor Rights; Prevention, Health and Safety; Environment; and Management.
Subscribed by more than 180 companies, the Charter of Principles is inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization, and the Global Compact of the United Nations. It also encourages the reporting of non-financial information by some major companies to disclose on an annual basis non-financial and diversity information.
In this way, Despomar declares its commitment to the SDGs and to a more sustainable future.